Re: please read my be cautious post here in this thread
get up and move around , walk,
do light exercises etc
all these will keep system flowing.
you did not mention this/
but if you are sitting alot,
it could defintely create a sluggish system.
if you have to sit alot , then get up at least once an hour
and walk a few minutes
(esp to avoid blood pooling etc in feet legs)
standing in one place is just as detrimental .
when you sleep at night,
if you wake up ,
switch positions.
turn on hot water in shower and sit in bathroom
to induce a sweat perhaps
only for 10 mins tops..
then rinse off body with tepid water and finish with cold
go rest.
this will help get toxins out thru skin
and elimante some of the excess retained water.
be careful and even ask someone to remain close,
and to even help you walk to a bed or recliner after steam ,
to avoid possible falling etc..
cover yourself with a light sheet
and drink a small lemonaide or mint tea
in sips gradually .
to rehydrate.
do not exceed 8 ozs at a time
kidneys can only process 8 ozs at a time