I made daily in a big jug... 60 ounces of water, 6 ounces of fresh organic lemons, decent amount of cayenne pepper and 3 to 4 ounces of maple syrup.
I was faithful on all my Master-Cleanse to do the 30 ounces of swf daily. It takes me a long time to completely get rid of that 30 ounces..definately the 2 hours you indicated and sometimes longer...then that was it till the next morning when I did my swf. no eliminations the reminder of the day and as they call it on the forum I only had butt pee every day no solid elimation the whole cleanse.
while I have you .....the last question someone posted on how often can you do the MC? I've alway's wondered the same thing? do you know? I have a high tolerence for Master-Cleanse I could do it all the time for long periods of time..I enjoy it, love it and would do it weekly and eat on the weekends if it was safe. I find it so convenient to do it during the week while at work...I don't have to think about what to eat and always feel great drinking the lemonade...just overall makes you feel healthy. also the final question is in answering how often it safe to do MC...is it equally safe to do the SWF's?