Hi, I have some experience in the fasting dept. and in the detox area as well....for one, all of the water on the planet has chemicals in it unless you go into the earth to an aquafer somewhere at the place that time forgot. Water is full of heavy metals as is everything because of the chems the powers that be spray in the sky. Chems have saturated the air, water, soil and us, so every living being has been purged and the best thing you can do is a detox first. I would suggest bentinite clay (I have used this and it works) I used Sonne's #7 Detox in which you can find at the healthfood store. This will get rid of the bogged down blah feeling that saturates the body in all directions and will improve every function of the body. Also, did you know that taking quality liquid minerals will grab the heavy metals and take them out of your body!
I do not believe in fasting on water alone because it puts a bigger on the body than it already has. I have done the one week water fast then eat two meals on the weekend and then another week fast but it sure did a job on my brain and the way that I think. One has to have brain food and when you deprive the body of food it will go into a starvation mode and do the opposite of what you are wanting...it will collect and hold on to everything it can to survive. Does this make sense to you so far?