Re: Morgellons and High Dose SSKI
I feel that it was absolutely effective for me but 3 months in my hair started to fall out and still is so I am not so sure it was the
SSKI causing it. My TSH went up to 13 but was back to normal along with my T4 within 2 weeks of stopping
SSKI at my doctor's request. My symptoms started back soon after stopping. Now I am trying to find a happy medium by taking both
Lugol's 2% &
SSKI at lower doses. Problem is I don't know what the dosages should be. I started SSKI at 5 drops 3 times a day and increased it by 1 drop every 3 days until I reached 20 drops (1000mg) three times a day. I stopped at 20 drops three times a day because it was in fact working. Itching stopped, energy was good and GI symptoms were gone. Diet change is a must. I took Vitamin C and Magnesium. I only had 1 Herx or detox reaction. I want to try the
Lugol's & SSKI combo to see if the results are better. The Unknown Cat told me 6months to a year at 20drops three times per day is normal time frame most are free of the disorder. I never made it to 6 months, only 4 so I can't say for sure. I hate this and just want to get well but also fighting for Lyme remission by killing
parasites we all seem to have internal plus using Buhner's herbs for the Lyme. I am better but the fungal issues seem to be the Lyme/Morgellons crossover. Good Luck.