Yes, I am going to sit here a bit and think and do more research. I am now reading the back pages here about high dose iodide.
So it's 3 times a day at 10 drops total 30. Each drop is 50 mg, so 1500 daily.
The medical journals say to go up to 40-50 drops 3 times a day to treat sporotrichosis but I will research lots more.
I weigh 120 and the Unkown Cat weighs 240 so even from the get go I though of only going to 25 3 times a day. The Unkown Cat said he cured his morgellons with this treatment. I have not gone the anti-biotic route and am not on any other medication. I have been treating naturally. 5 1/2 yrs with morgellons. I really have to work but can't with the chronic fatigue morgellons brings for some.
I am going to hold here for a while and see what it brings.