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Re: Feeling really bad...major dieoff? anger
OIlLady8 Views: 3,072
Published: 7 y
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Re: Feeling really bad...major dieoff? anger

Omg, I feeling for all of you. I'm so sorry that we're all having to go thru this.
I was doing so much better at the end of three months, and I thought wow, it gone and stated eating regular food again! Omg did I get sick. So, I started over on the first of November 2017 but have been eating a lot of almonds because I read online that it was OK. Huge mistake, no nuts or but butters. Google Candida diet and eat only the vegetables that are listed. Don't do the baking with non gluten ingredients that their eBook says are OK. Organic chicken only.
Since I gave up the almonds I'm have bouts of Anger. Its terrible. My psychiatrist gave me Valium for the anxiety when I explained Candida die off to her. Thank god she's trying to understand. Candidamd online explained it to her.
I'm on probiotics and Colloidal Silver . Go to Amazon and search Gallon Colloidal Silver . Its cheap. Guardian of Eden brand. It will also kill parasites and Lyme's.


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