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Re: Feeling really bad...major dieoff?

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hollith Views: 14,108
Published: 17 y
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Re: Feeling really bad...major dieoff?

Oh thank goodness someone can relate! The dieoff with doing "The diet" for me, is worse than using antifungals and probiotics or Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and anything else I can think of. Some experts or even people experienced with Candida themselves, may say that die-off is good, that's it's a neccessary evil, and some say that die-off isn't really a good thing and that it can make you even sicker. So it's like, how do we know what to do? Besides that, I've got an almost 11 month little girl that I need to take care of...and as of right now, I cannot do it. I'm secretly anticipating when she'll take a nap again, so that I can too. I am so tired. A lot of what I experienced having Candida, are like flu-like symptoms.

But...all the protein in the Candida diet seriously makes me sick.

I do not work, I do not have a lot of money and cannot afford a lot of fancy and exotic foods and supplements and things from health stores. My homeopath gives me homeopathic medicines though and I have basic supplements and probiotics.

I have been on the diet on and off since the beginning of December when I figured out that yeast overgrowth was causing all of my discomforts. (Way too many Antibiotics ) Sometimes I would try the real restrictive diet, to try to starve yeast faster, ONLY meat, seeds/nuts that are allowed, and non-starchy leafy vegetables but that diet always makes me fall flat on my face. Then I would try a not-so restrictive diet that allows brown rice products, and then even occasionally I would slip in a potato or corn product. But then of course, I didn't see much progress in killing off the yeast. But I would still feel better than I do right now. I admitted to my homeopath too, that I could not keep up the diet in social situations...watching everyone eat good stuff and how it made me feel like crap after I gave in and ate it, I'd beat myself up about it, and swear that I'm not going to do it again. He said that is normal and not to beat myself up about it, and that negative thoughts like that, and stress could lead to more yeast. He also thinks people "need" some sort of carbs, and he's a big fan of rice, so he thinks that is the carb of choice for yeasty people. But for right now, I've only been on the diet just over 2 days and I feel really really bad. How about you?


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