Only very strong Antibiotics can kill the bacteria even then it can become resistant to them. I've been doing honey, cinnamon, pine needle oil, black seed oil, baking soda with acv and lemon. I take Bactrim ds and amoxicillin but they aren't helping at all I believe the bacteria is already resistant to them. Cloves are a great idea and I'm sure fresh garlic is too. The pine needle oil consuming it and in a bath have really been helping me out right now and the black seed oil too. If you start the pine needle oil protocol do not stop it continue with it until it cures you of everything. I've learned all of this from wonderful people on here and from my own experience and trying different things. I believe once you have the bacteria in you its very difficult to kill it. Every case I read about the person has the illness for the rest of their life. They may get better for a few years but 5 or 10 yes down the line it comes right back again causing newer issues. It's one of the most deadly and virulent bacteria there is and goes virtually undetected even after it kills you.