I have my mirena IUD all 5 years. I had it removed in May/17 . Didn't have a period til august/17. Took numerous pregnancy test all negative. At first it started as light spotting every couple days or so. Coming and going. Then spotting and light blood when I wiped. Wasn't always bleeding but having sex made lightly bleed. Then middle of august/17 it got heavier blood darker & more constant. Now the bleeding lasted weeks and would only stop for a day or two IF that. It is now October/17 & the bleeding is continuing. Still dark and flow wise somedays it's light some heavy. Used tampons a lot but they started to make me sick & I hate pads but it seems to be the safest option bc tampons can't absorb clots.ive been googling since I started bleeding causes varied from fibroids, cyst & uterine lining shedding catching up from all the years it couldnt. I am setting a Drs appt. Today to see what the real issue is, hoping I don't get the generic it's normal give it time. Bc this is going on 3 months on this irregular "period"