I was just curious to see what was typical and if anyone else had to take drugs to force their periods to start. Is 3 months normal? 6? 12? I don't know and that is why I'm asking. I feel a million times better after having the Mirena taken out. I didn't realize just how bad I felt until many things I was suffering with went away after removal. Even a skin tag on my eye lid which had gotten so big I was considering having it removed is almost completely gone! After doing some checking, sure enough they can be cause by increased hormones. I know I am much better and am recovering ok. I have mostly good days. My doctor says it is not healthy to not have periods and that she wants me to have at least 4 per year. She said that having no periods increases my chances of getting Breast Cancer which I'm already high risk for. She doesn't want my uterine lining to get built up. That is why she suggested the Provera. I don't want to take anymore hormones unless it is necessary. I asked if I did it one month would it "kick start" my periods and maybe then I would not need to do the hormones anymore. She said it was possible but she couldn't be sure of it.