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Re: TOPICAL REMEDIES ~ Worms & Larva In Nose, Sinuses, Eyes, Ears, & Throat
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Re: TOPICAL REMEDIES ~ Worms & Larva In Nose, Sinuses, Eyes, Ears, & Throat

You can look up Clews facial recipe, on curezone ====cumin and 3 other things, then keep a little jar of it and put it on your skin to show drs ...THEy will walk out of your skin....ALSO WET a little black peppper and place it on your skin, they come out, had two longer ones , one out of each nostril before I even knew it! Never seen them before. But always have the itching, Placed it on the side of my nose.................Weird, i always get these strange pieces of sticks comeout of my face,,, what the heck? This is a copy of Clews recipe........WRITTEN BY CLEW .2 oz. container ground Nutmeg or Cumin
1/8 cup Borax
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Kleen Green enzyme cleaner (properly diluted)

Use wooden or plastic untensils and a medium to large glass/ceramic bowl to mix in because I think metal might change the chemistry somehow? a rubber spatula makes mixing way easier.

• Mix the Nutmeg and Borax together and try to break up any clumps.
• Add Olive-Oil and stir into a thick paste.
• Pour in Kleen Green and mix, mix, mix until it's almost like brown "cool whip". As it stands it will keep thickening up, so just keep adding a little more Kleen Green or water and whip it back up. Consistency is important, not too thick and not too thin. ALSO BLACK PEPPER IS PIPPERZINE
Now sit in front of your magnified mirror, on your finger scoop a marble size of the paste and lightly smooth onto your face. Over lesions, rashy or itchy spots lightly dab, dab, dab paste onto/into it and usually something weird will surface very quickly, almost instant.
This paste won't dry up like clay does and will only draw out so much before it's "spent". Gently scrape it off using a flat edge like another spatula or an old credit card, then wipe it onto a paper towel. Keep reapplying paste until you get a little relief. Around the glands and along under the chin line are good to try.
I think it's through osmosis that "debris" is drawn out . No joke, it's pulled some crazy-train looking stuff out of my skin. A lot of small stuff like concretions, larva, mucous, "sand", threads, black hairs, blue& red gel, stick things, plant things... Big stuff too. At first I wondered if I was seeing things but it became apparent that I wasn't. Of course the chemical reaction might be swelling them to look larger than they are just beneath the skin, where they operate.
The good news is the paste disintegrates them.
The bad news is the paste disintegrates them. They can't physically be saved for identification. So I took a ton of pictures instead and hope I can ID that way. If someone recognizes anything please email me. clEW..

While it is not a cure, I believe the paste lessens the parasite burden of the head, face, and neck area (where I use it). It helps keep down swelling around my eyes and gland areas.I believe a number of large Tapeworms were drawn out, but not all at one sitting... there's too many of them... You can gain some ground though if you keep at it. AND I HAVE ALSO USED PLAIN BLACK PEPPER WITH A TINY BIT OF WATER AND WATCHED THEM INSTANTLY, BEFORE I GOT IT NEAR MY NOSE, ONE OUT OF EACH NOSTRIL, AND PUT IT ON MY STYE,,,,,, SEVERAL BABIES FELL OUT..>>!


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