Help me please!!!!!;;((
I have wanted clear skin more than anything since i started getting acne. Its really taken a toll on my confidence and self-esteem. I was always told that face scrubs and cutting out
Sugar will help, but when I saw no improvement i started searching for answers. I came across a site explaining that milk and gluten were the major causes of this persons
Acne so i tried cutting these out for a few weeks. I know if i kept with the diet I would have found improvement but i failed. So one day i just found out about
Water Fasting and how its almost like a reset button, so i prepared for my first ever fast which failed. I failed at preparing!!?? So i decided i may as well go cold turkey, so i did and now im here and the longest failed fast was 5 days and i have now failed my intended 40 day fast on day 2. Now i feel real bad that i did that, i really want clear skin and a healthy body so so so so so so bad but i keep failing!!! Someone please help!!any tips??? Or stuff to make the fast easier?? Btw im 16. I feel so depressed on a fast but i feel so sad eating foods that are bad for me ;c. I know a fast will change my life but its so hard!!!