starting 40 day water fast 5/15/17
I think the reason why I am having a hard time starting my 40 day
Water Fast is because I haven't had anyone starting the same day and that person doing the same amount of days as I am desiring. I am starting 5/15 and doing 40 days as well. So it was so refreshing to see your thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to brush my teeth, and use mouth wash, I will truly try not to, as I keep reading lots of posts, saying don't, I guess I will swish warm water like every second instead. lol :)
I read your thread and it is all the same with me, ALL OF IT, except your age. However if I knew at 23 what I know now, I would have taken control of my eating habits will all my might, so in which I can let help you out by saying, let's do this 40 day water fast, it may not only reset you, but may save you from this downward spiral. Please please eat health and sensibly each and everyday after your fast, with perhaps once a week for maybe one meal, eat and drink whatever :) 23 yrs old was one of my healthiest age, as I was walking/running 5-10 miles a day, toning and eating healthy, then at 23 and 1/2 it all went down hill, and I've been struggling since then. But hey lets do this 40 day
Water Fast and get in control of our lives. Just want to mention that I tried to do a
Water Fast the same time as someone else 2 different times and they succeeded and lost lots of weight and changed their lives and I gave in to temptation, I'm asking you to think of that thought when each temptation comes along. This one gal fasted 30 days and lost 50 pounds, wow she was so strong, that could have been me, I should have been strong like her :( Let's be strong, and try to hop on this site to post as much as you can ok :)