Hello! First time posting here though have been reading threads for quite some time.
I thought it might be a good time to start posting as tomorrow I am embarking on my first water-only fast. Although I have completed quite lengthy 'fasts' in the past (many 14 days, at least three of 21 days, and two of 35 days), they have never been true
Water Fasts as I have always continued to drink 'non-calorie' drinks (e.g. black tea, diet drinks etc.) and chew gum etc. For this reason, I have never felt truly 'healed' by my fasts.
Recently my health has become very poor as my eating has been out of control. For the past eight weeks or so I have been eating all the wrong things, and far too much of them. As a result I have gained a huge amount of weight (around 20kg) in a relatively short period, and feel AWFUL. I am constantly exhausted, I ache all over and am disgusted by how I look. I have never felt less healthy in my life. I'm only 23 but feel like an old woman!
Tomorrow I will be embarking on my first water-only fast, which I plan to continue until completion (I am anticipating 40+ days, and would like to continue for as long as possible). During this time I will be consuming water only (no gum/toothpaste/additions to water etc.), and - at least at the beginning - I plan to walk for around 2 hours a day (I already do this in order to get into/out of my university town).
I feel there is a lot of healing to do - not only physical, but mental/emotional. I have a horribly disordered relationship with food, and feel I really need to entirely 'reset' myself. I know this fast will be incredibly challenging, particularly at the beginning, as I believe I am addicted to food and am in a terrible pattern of eating in response to painful emotions/loneliness/stress etc. However, I am determined to see this through, as my current weight and eating habits are destroying my life.
I'm sure I will need support and guidance, especially during the first few days when I know the temptation to give in and revert to old habits will be strong. But I will keep reminding myself that, in reality, 1-2 months is a tiny amount of time to have to invest in order to achieve true, lasting healing from the pain which has been with me for so long. I am also very keen to lose some weight, as I know I am not healthy at my current weight (I think I have around 60lb to lose to get down to my ideal weight).
I am looking forward to sharing my experiences, and would be delighted if anyone attempting a similar fast would like to buddy up.