Re: Lugol's Solution skin, staining
Details gathered out in the wind about vitamin A:
Eating beta carotene-rich fods (yes, like carrots) with avacado is known to help up the conversion of beta carotene to A.
I mention it because I kinda ring with you on the weakness of supplementing vitamin A. I have used the 25,000 iu /capsule dosages as well, but had much better effects from dunaliella salina capsules (and it was decently cheaper!). There's many more carotenes (a color molecule) in food than just beta, and vitamin A is a byproduct of the liver in processing cartenoids (it's a storage form).
I learned from the mueller ranges' tripod site (health compendium) that the precursors to fat-soluable vitamins can be a lot more valuable as antioxidants than just taking the storage form, because they create more free-radical mopup while the body is breaking them down to storage form. (One example is gamma-toconutrienol, a vitamin-E precursor).
That's a painful mix to deal with. I have been dealing with the opposite issues, little to no menses, unless I'm very regular with the iodine.
Amalgam issues from a young age in the states.
Did the A supplementation have an effect on the heavy menses?
I seem to remember Wombat's collected-research articles on vit A going much higher in dosages, like 4-6x 25,000 iu/day.
Just gotta watch for signs of anemia when using those levels, since high vitamin A can lower the production of RBCs.
Cool to have someone to banter with on the subject.
Did you ever try separate forms of zinc?
I've used the Zinc oxide (nappy rash) and zinc methionine forms mostly. Zinc gluconate was hard-hitting, but zinc methionine has been nice and gentle. 'm wondering what the effect from Zinc Sulfate is like in comparison.
There is one person in the 'urine universal remedy' closed group on FB who swears by topical application of U for healing up her MRSA outbreak sores on her legs. She's had it under control for about three months, from reading her threads.
There's usually a great deal of conversation there because of the betacell and electrolyte content of the material (scientific interest), but the ick factor does keep most folk from even imagining it as a discussion topic.
I thought it'd be amiss if I didn't relate the story. Peeling like after a bad sunburn is a badly blushing affair. ;-)