Re: Lugol's Solution skin, staining
Since you mentioned Vitamin A.
I started taking Vitamin A approximately two and a half years ago. For a long time (most of the time) I took 25.000 iE of Vitamin A daily.
Despite that amount for almost two years, the herpes outbraks were not really reduced...
One reason was because of the permanent Herpes outbreaks that I have.
For one year I am also taking 25mg of Zinc. It has helped at other places but not with the herpes. Only topical zinc sulfate will speed up the healing process of the lesions.
Vitamin D is high enough to stop supplementing for a while.
One thing that was missing all the time was iodine, since I also have thyroid problems and I was afraid to get Hashimotos so I never took
Iodine although I had a definite
Iodine deficiency as shown by some tests at my endocrinologist.
I believe now that not taking
Iodine was a mistake, since by that I actually never allowed my thyroid to get enough building blocks for doing it's work again.
Since I am also having heavy PMS and probably estrogendominance and also sine the herpes outbreaks depend at least partially on my monthly cycle and now I know that iodine interacts with estrogen, I hope that maybe iodine might be one more step into the direction of balancing my system and thus by counteracting the estrogen effects it might even help to reduce the herpes outbreaks.
I don't know. There is too little research that I could find and not many are actually interested in understanding the biochemistry of herpes outbreaks....