Re: iodine and vitamin C
Thank you, this is very helpful.
I was wondering about the interaction of
Iodine and Vitamin C as I am taking both high dose
Iodine and high dose Vitamin C to get rid of both cancer and an invasive case of aspergillus mold in my body. It is working very well, but I have been trying to take the
Iodine and Vitamin C at different times of day to keep them from interacting.
However, I have also found that the "detoxing power" of these things comes from their ability to donate electrons ("reduce" or anti-oxidize). Each molecule of Vitamin C freely gives 2 electrons, which not only detoxes toxins (which are electron grabbing/oxidizing) but also de-inflames body tissues that have been hurt by toxins grabbing their electrons. Each atom of iodine can relinquish one electron, IF it is in the
Iodide (I-) form. Therefore the
Iodide form is much more helpful for detox.
Iodide has donated its extra electron to something, like inflamed tissue or a toxin, it returns to its iodine form and can be used in that form, so I do not think we need to worry too much that iodine will not be available to the body if we take iodide.
Once Vitamin C has donated its electrons, and becomes dehydroascorbic acid (its oxidized form), it is either excreted from the body (which is why some people think that Vitamin C goes right through you, since the test does not distinguish), OR it can be "re-armed"/reduced with electrons again by Glutathione and other anti-oxidants (electron donors).
The best anti-oxidants (electron donors) are those that give up their electrons the most easily, which makes Vitamin C one of the very best, and iodide not so much. Vitamin C has incredible healing powers in virtually all diseases, especially those that kill by toxin/inflammation, including insect and snake venom. See the youtube videos books by Dr Thomas Levy (like Curing the Incurable, and Primal Panacea).