Re: Vegan Lifestyle - please send me a typical day sample from your lifestyle!!!
I am planning to become a Vegan at the end of my 31 Day
Master-Cleanse (second
Master-Cleanse I do, the first one was in February and it inspired me to become a vegetarian which I am IN LOVE WITH!! great feeling...) My goal is to become a vegan . I was raised in dairy products and I am having a hard time letting go of the cheese (emotional attachements you might say), but reading about the milk industry in this country ESPECIALLY, and the cows going mad,,,NO thanks I don't need all that mucous and all that nasty thing inside of me.
I fell in love with the Fit For Life and Fitonics For LIfe books this spring and prior to the second
Master-Cleanse that i am doing now I applied the principles taken from those two books for six weeks and felt BETTER than ever and LOST WEIGHT!!! They recommend many things..starting with honoring body's natural cycles based on which we should eat or not eat ect, but the one principle that Fitonics For Life uses as its back bone is the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables - mostly raw food (vegetables) due to their richness in Enzymes which are the Main source of energy for humans and animals alike and their VERY IMPORTant ROLE in maintaining a healthy weight and have more energy than you ever dreamed of!!!
My question to you is this,it's more like a request: Could you please say a few words about your Vegan/Raw food LIFESTYLE! what is a typical day for far as eating goes??? I would really appriciate it!!! My goal is that by the middle of July once i am done with the Cleanse and the PB shakes I can embark on my Vegan Lifestyle Journey and maintain a healthy weight!!!!
thank you in advance for reading this
all the luck to you in your cleanse