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Re: Sarah Vaughter
jane09044 Views: 5,292
Published: 8 y
This is a reply to # 2,252,682

Re: Sarah Vaughter

Sarah, I have attempted to communicate with you on your website page through your message system but my messages keep disappearing and my questions go unanswered which causes me to be mistrustful of your company. I had bad experiences in the past with others and want to avoid this ever happening again. I like to know who it is I am doing business with. Is your name actually Sarah Vaughter or is it a pen/screen/ghost name you write under? You are welcome to respond to me at the email I have provided to you already as this site will not allow me to post it. I'd like to know what your credentials are as you sound very informed and legitimate. Someone on this blog alluded that you are married to a chemist, perhaps the owner of your company, Franciscus (Frank) DeGrout. Others allude that you are Franciscus, (Frank) De Groot. At this point my personal theory is that Frank De Groot does the writing and business and uses his wife's picture. I really don't particularly care about your real identity other than I like to know who I am dealing with and what their qualifications are. You are very good about dealing with scientific studies, trials, lab reports so it seems totally appropriate to ask you about your qualifications and credentials. Some say Sarah is a nutritionist. Who you are and what qualifications you have would make you transparent. I don't care if you have a PhD or not. I am more than happy to sign a non disclosure legal document if that's what you need. I care about the truth, science, logic, and reason. Please respond to these questions as I'd really like to try your products but I need a certain amount of trust in you first. Thank you for your time, efforts, and consideration. Sincerely, Jane Lee


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