I have found her attitude extremely rude, she is totally blinkered in her approach to this condition although I think Lufenuron is useful.
I have made two posts on her website making reference to the fact that I have just ordered KIB500 which I am hoping will also help my condition.
I will not be ordering from her website again and I would implore you to find an alternative source for Lufenuron if you are to try this remedy.
She was totally out of order and impolite towards Dr Richard Stead and myself regarding the KIB500 and is now going to be erasing my posts on her forum. I am not affiliated to KIB500 in any way I might add.
This is the transcript started by someone called Greg (my name is Philip). She has said she will erase the thread soon. I thought I would do a bit of cutting and pasting also! The link is here:
February 6th, 2011 05:59 AM
#1 GregS View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Junior Member Join Date Oct 2010
Posts 11 Have you heard of thiocyanates?
They emphasize the
Antibiotic aspects and even antiviral, but they do mention that it (supposedly) works on some fungus and yeast including Candida.
I can't find anything online except for their advertising. Just wondering if you knew anything about it or them? I bought some "brain boosters" from Anti-Aging long time ago and still get the email. I now realize that my brain fog was probably due to yeast.
(If you consider this spam then please remove.)
Yes - this would qualify as SPAM although I don't think you're a spammer. Deleted the link and the brand name in the title and will answer the question later in a reply post.
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February 6th, 2011 11:55 AM
#2 SarahVaughter View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Administrator Join Date Sep 2009
Posts 607 I have some observations:
1. The company name "Anti aging systems" does not inspire confidence. There simply are no "anti-aging systems" apart from not doing too much free radical damage to the body by refraining from smoking and not eating too much, and not eating too much bad "food". I would expect a company with such a name to sell expensive pseudoscientific products to people impressed by a scientific sounding sales pitch.
2. When looking at their "affiliates" page, I see that the company is most ruthlessly commercial, structered like a multi-level marketing company focussing on profit, profit, profit. When I look at the rest of their pages, I see a company focussing on sales, sales, sales. Nowhere do I see references to solid science.
3. I was not impressed by the heavily rehearsed and edited "interview" on their site with Richard Stead. He was clearly "acting", going through a script. Note how the video has been produced by a very professional advertizing agency. It is not an interview by journalists or fellow scientists. So it's just part of an expensive PR campaign. I expect to be more links appearing soon on forums such as these ;-)
4. In the interview and on the website they claim "we could kill every single one of a wide varity of dangerous pathogens in the laboratory" but nowhere they give any reference to such laboratory studies, peer-reviewed work etc. in vivo. I can kill the AIDS virus in a test tube with a little household chlorine, but it would be a scam to start selling weak solutions of bleach to cure HIV infection. This won't work for a variety of reasons that unfortunately elude the average customer. Their claims are irresponsibly deceptive.
So these are just some general impressions, glancing at the site.
Their introduction is 100% correct. Yes,
Antibiotics are misused and over-used. Yes, bacterial infections are an increasingly big problem. Yes,
Antibiotic resistance is increasingly common.
Whenever snake oil is being peddled, the prospective customer is first carefully spun into a web of truths, gradually half-truths and finally lies. It is the basic principle of disinformation.
You start with a Dr. of one-or-the-other telling known truths, and you end up paying good hard cash for something that doesn't have the slightest effect whatsoever - which could have been logically reasoned so before the purchase.
Let's investigate the product they are selling, Oxythiocyanate. A Nigerian professor claims to have invented it and he wants to try it against AIDS:
Looks interesting so far.
When we go back to the company selling the Thiocyanate, they say that the human body produces 50 to 100 mg Thiocyanate per day and that they recommend a daily dose of 25 mg, "to stay on the safe side".
This immediately should ring all alarm bells. Even if Oxythiocyanate would be killing all kinds of pathogens in vitro (in a Petri dish in the lab), and their substance is indeed Oxythiocyanate, there is no reason to believe that it will work in vivo at a dose significantly lower than what the body produces by itself. In fact it would be irrational to believe that if your body can't get rid of an infection with 100 mg of Oxythiocyanate per day, that it will eradicate an infection with 125 mg of Oxythiocyanate per day. An increase of orders of magnitude would be required even in theory, that is when the substance would work as well in vivo as in vitro (it never does, due to the myriads of elimination mechanisms and biochemical interactions, stomach acid, sequestering niches etc).
Let's see what the early adopters at Curezone have to say about Oxythiocyanate:
"No improvement whatsoever":
It's in fact not "Thiocyanate" or "Oxythiocyanate" but "Hypothiocyanite" that's easily found to be credited with antimicrobial efficacy, but only in the respiratory tract (= on top of the mucous membranes, not inside the body) and the compound is short-lived (of course there's always the "brilliant scientist (Richard Stead)" who discovered an -unproven- secret/(uselessly)patented miracle method to make the compound "last longer" otherwise a simple Wikipedia search would unveil that the compound is useless in vivo):
I conclude that some (Oxy/Hypo)Thiocyanates/cyanites have antibacterial/antifungal/antiviral efficacy but certainly not in the small dosages sold to the "anti-aging" crowd.
Usually, even when you actually get what is supposed to work in vitro, such compounds either are immediately neutralized or malabsorbed when taken orally or, when given intravenously, their dosage would (nearly) kill the patient when given intravenously. If it would work at all, intravenously.
But it would be interesting to read some actual animal research, for example. But in any case, those who sell it online are dishonest, insinuating that you're buying a miracle cure for all infections. I don't think it's particularly useful to combat infections in the form it is sold today.
Let me know if you find some research of this compound in vivo, I'd appreciate a link to something published in a reputable journal.
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February 6th, 2011 04:36 PM
#3 GregS View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Junior Member Join Date Oct 2010
Posts 11 Wow, you spent way more time and effort on this than I expected. Thanks.
Also saved me $80. I only mentioned the company name originally because they were the only ones I could find making this.
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March 16th, 2011 12:31 PM
#4 SarahVaughter View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Administrator Join Date Sep 2009
Posts 607 We received a reaction from Richard Stead, CEO of KiB Ltd:
Dear Sarah,
I have read your response on the forum regarding Oxythiocyanate.
I am the “amazing scientist” Richard Stead – the arch enemy of good health and respectable practices. I designed the contents of 1st Line and I sell here in England under another name “KiB500”.
Would it be possible for us to meet, please? I do not travel to the US regularly but plan to do so in the next 2-3 months. Then I will be able to show you some of the “solid science” you say is necessary plus by mid year a large clinical trial study should have been published, and hopefully in what you will deem to be a “reputable” publication. Currently we deliberately have no information about KiB500 on websites because of the rigours of Medicines authorities and we do not sell direct to “patients” but only through Practitioners who have understood the chemistry and can relate that to their clients.
It is sad to know you and your husband both are suffering severe medical conditions. Needless to say I am confident (more than confident) that KiB500 will help you both. There is a very wide range of anecdotal support of the efficacy of HYPOTHIOCYANITE, which is the correct chemical name for the molecule. Should you decide that you both or one of you wants to try the product then I will be pleased to send you some and you can pay me if it works.
If you wish to talk with me I will be pleased to take your call.
Regards Richard Stead
KiB Ltd
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March 16th, 2011 12:41 PM
#5 SarahVaughter View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Administrator Join Date Sep 2009
Posts 607 (I replied I am not able to meet - I do not wish to discuss the issue).
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April 28th, 2011 06:57 PM
#6 Philip View Profile View Forum Posts
Junior Member Join Date Apr 2011
Posts 2 Just ordered 2 x KiB500 kits from Dr Richard Stead's website and cannot wait to try the medicine ( I have had a Candida Overgrowth problem for about 2 years)
It sounds extremely promising and I hope it becomes more mainstream in the near future if indeed it is as effective as the reports I have read and seen on Youtube.
I was privileged to speak to Dr Stead this morning when I placed my order and he did not strike me as being the type of person who just wants to make a fast buck and is obviously a very intelligent guy.
The medical profession need to find medicines that attack the illness rather than suppress the symptoms and Dr Stead has brought to the market a product that may well do that.
I am also trying the Lufenuron from Sarah's site and am having some success with it, a lymph node I have on my neck is definitely reducing in size (one of my personal "barometers"). Lufenuron is definitely a good product for tackling candida.
I regularly post on Curezone under the name "Bod" so I am not affiliated to Dr Richard Stead's company. The KIB500 perhaps isn't a panacea for all ills and there will always be someone who is unsatisfied with their results, there are people on Curezone who haven't had results with Lufenuron.
Kind regards
Philip Des-Forges
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April 28th, 2011 09:09 PM
#7 SarahVaughter View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Administrator Join Date Sep 2009
Posts 607 The problem with people not having results with Lufenuron is that those people have self-diagnosed themselves with Candida, or have been diagnosed by a quack. That is very common.
As to your lymph node: Unless you have a Candida infection "downstream" of the node, I do not think it's likely that your positive result is related to Lufenuron.
It is our position that nearly all Candida diagnoses from the alternative circuit are wrong diagnoses, and we have written several articles to persuade people diagnosed by the alternative circuit not to buy Lufenuron.
We do that to avoid people who don't have Candida at all saying that Lufenuron did not help them. We prefer to have a small but loyal market with customers with real medical antibody tests, than a temporary large market with disappointed people who think they have Candida but have something else.
If you don't have a positive test performed by an infectious disease specialist at a hospital, just don't buy our Lufenuron :-)
Or at least if you do try Lufenuron without hard evidence of Candida (not the web-evangelized symptoms such as a "fuzzy head" that we strongly disagree with), then please refrain from saying: "It doesn't work". It doesn't work against things that are not Candida, correct.
Customers with positive Candida antibody tests report similar improvements as on strong prescription antifungals. And then we have the occasional person reporting that some mysterious symptoms disappeared, on Lufenuron.
And then there are a great number of people who simply feel sick, their naturopath says: "Candida", they try Lufenuron and nothing happens. In our opinion, that was 69 dollars spent towards eliminating the expenses associated with that naturopath.
We are not tring to get rich. We are already rich. We are trying to get into heaven :-)
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April 28th, 2011 10:23 PM
#8 Philip View Profile View Forum Posts
Junior Member Join Date Apr 2011
Posts 2 Candida is a growing global problem caused by poor diet, lifestyle,
Antibiotics etc. etc. and there are so many "cures" touted by naturopaths (I could come up with rather a long list).
High levels of candida have been found in people with cancer so it is important to get the problem under control.
Hipppocrates said that death begins in the gut and I believe that there are an infinite amount of ailments that are caused by intestinal flora imbalance.
I think it is important to obtain a correct diagnosis when it comes to candida, and admittedly I was only diagnosed by Vega Machine testing (not ideal), but I don't doubt that I have higher levels of candida than the norm. I have also had a colonoscopy and Ultrasound, bloodtests test etc. which didn't yield any results
All the doctors I have seen at my local practise have said "We don't recognise candida" so you might as well bang your head against a brick wall. I think it would be too costly for the NHS in the Uk to treat and diagnose so they turn a blind eye to it.
I am no angel when it come to the Candida Diet which is particularly tough as you know. I am pinning my hopes on KIB500 which is said not to harm your natural gut flora, but as I have said, I have had decent results with Lufenuron.
I feel that by the likes of the NHS in the UK are extremely backward about diagnosing illness in general and the large drug companies are preying on their naivety by treating symptoms and not finding cures. Repeat prescriptions are the big money earner for the drug companies...
I thank the likes of Sarah Vaughter and Richard Stead for trying to redress the balance
Best wishes
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April 28th, 2011 11:12 PM
#9 SarahVaughter View Profile View Forum Posts Add as Contact
Administrator Join Date Sep 2009
Posts 607 The Vega machine has nothing to do with Candida testing.
I'm very sorry but I'm going to remove all postings below posting #3.
This forum is NOT for promoting quackery in any way, shape or form.
I will leave this message for a few minutes so that you'll understand why I deleted it.
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April 28th, 2011 11:59 PM
#10 Philip View Profile View Forum Posts
Junior Member Join DateApr 2011
Posts3Very sorry you take this point of view.
I guess that it is why so very few people post on this forum.
I am glad I have discovered your true nature and will not be buying from your website again.
I will be posting the whole thread on the Curezone forum to highlight your rudeness regarding customers and other potential treatments.
Dr Richard Stead is not the quack obviously!!!
If you think this woman has your best interests at heart and is not just out to make a bit of money for her pension, then buy are stuff!!!!!