I've reduced and almost stopped my lips peeling a few times, heres how.
## Short Story
Hi Guys. My lips severely reduced peeling, to the point where it was essentially no longer an issue twice.
Once, I took probiotics which returned my digestion back to normal, and caused my dandruff and peeling lips to essentially go away. (I experince loose stools due to antiobitic induced IBS).
Unfortunately my digestion went back to being bad after more antiobiotics. Due to the tummy pain, I drank only water for 2 weeks and my lips stopped peeling. Once I returned to eating, my lips began to peel again.
At the moment my lips are experiencing moderate peeling. Just a small triangle at the top and a fair amount of the bottom lip.
I hope by returning my digestion back to normal it will go away.
## Background / Long Story
Hi everyone.
I began developing EC about 8 years ago I think.
It started with just white skin building up around the corners of my mouth, and then slowly progressed to peeling skin and crusting lips.
I was taking longterm
Antibiotics at the time, which caused me to become lactose intolerant and after a while develop IBS.
My lips peel a lot less than when they were at their worst a 5 years ago, and they've nearly stopped completely once or twice. I've mentioned above how that happened