Also, of vital importance is pure organic peppermint oil, everyone who is fasting should be using it. Almost instant relief from insomnia and discomfort. I slept like a baby all through my fast. Peppermint oil will make you feel good. Rub some on your hands and cup them over your face. Avoid eyes. Breathe deeply and drift off to sleep. Make sure you get your daily naked sunshine and a few showers or a tepid bath each day. Jesus said to be born again of water and the spirit you must be clean in your bowels and water immersed outwardly. If you are not clean then God's spirit cannot reside with you. Forget manmade religion. This is how to be spirit filled with the true God.
Clean inside and out. No more meat after your fast. Do not kill means no more death foods. I'm breaking my fast with pineapple. One tiny bit per day for a week. No more than 500grms at noon only. After the first week I'll have a bit more.