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Blood Pressure Increasing After Water-Only Fast
  Views: 2,327
Published: 8 y

Blood Pressure Increasing After Water-Only Fast

In Dec. 2016, I completed a 10 day Water Fast in an effort to cure high blood pressure. On day 1 of the fast, my blood pressure was 145/95 without meds, and from that day until the end of the fast, my blood pressure dropped to as low as 88/74 with an average of 102/84 on the 10th day of the Water Fast without meds. I then proceeded to a 3 day refeeding and my blood pressure dropped further to an average of 98/78 without meds. My blood pressure did not change much after day 7. BTW, prior to the fast my resting heart rate was in the 50s and during the fast it was averaging in the 80s. I am healthy overall and have been following a whole food plant-based diet for 2 months prior to the fast so I didn't really experience any intense detox symptoms, but I did get typical reactions, such as lightheadedness upon standing, white coated tongue, and muscle aches.

However, after the refeeding, my blood pressure has been climbing back up to close to my starting blood pressure about 10 days after the fast and refeeding. I was not expecting my blood pressure to increase much after the fast and would appreciate any feedback as to why it happened and what I possibly did wrong. Thanks.


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