White Shark
If you are very sensitive, even just one single "wrong" meal can have negative effect on your symptoms, in this case, on your blood pressure ...
Every person is different, so you will have to find out what works for you in terms of diet.
Rent or purchase a blood type book and read it, it may give you some good info.
And, remember, no amount of good diet and good lifestyle can counteract the negative effect one single bad meal or one single bad day can have on your health ....
Water Fasting as a step stone on the way of discovery what it is in your diet that have negative effect on your health.
You can fast for 40 days, and it may not make you more likely to tolerate some bad foods after the fast. Usually, the result is opposite, fasting will make you more likely to easily react to bad foods.
Start reading and start practicing the
Elimination-Rotation Diet .