yea I've scanned through various posts and seen cotton balls with legs coming off of them. Once i passed like 20 cotton ball looking things in a bowel movement but I was at work and didnt get a pic. I hope I don't have Lyme's... but whatever it is I gotta work on getting them out of me. Do you have IBD? Did you ever get to the bottom of your problem? you said you were on systemic meds, I'm on remicade still so I feel your pain. really appreciate you taking the time and showing interest in my story. I showed my Dr. my stool pic and he said "oh it's probably just undigested food." he's always in a rush anyway and knows I'm more or less doing well so doesn't give me any of his time. There's one Dr. at the hospital I work at who's researching MAP (mycobacteria avium paratuberculosis) as the potential cause of Crohn's, so any critters I pass from now on I'm going to save to give him and my Dr. a little show and tell presentation. You would think there would be a lab that could identify these things... The journey continues.