I've been pretty stressed lately and made the mistake of looking at a magnifying mirror and thought, "oh, no! Is that a zit forming next to my lip?" It's before the holidays I'd better pick at it, that's a great idea!
Surprise my nothing turned into something because I was tearing away at my flesh. Then like a ding bat I panicked and did a hack research job on the internet and read a single snippet that said, garlic has antimicrobial properties and could heal a pimple. It said to apply it to the skin for 10 min.
In my infinite wisdom of super stressed out hormone brain I thought to myself, 20 minutes is better than 10. I got in a hot bath put it to my skin and it burned, but I relaxed and read and thought to myself, the burning feeling just means it's working. Right!?!
The next morning I woke up with a giant blister on the cusp of my lower lip and bellow my lip. Turning nothing into something truly horrific out of fear of looking like I had a herpes on my lip. Thanks magnifying mirror! (I don't have herpes & I get 1 blemish a month typically on my chin NEVER on my lip). Due to my gross negligence and PMS brain and holiday stress, I now straight up look like I have a huge cold sore on and below my lip.
Happy holidays everyone!!! My gift to you is that of a cautionary tale...if you think you have a zit leave it be, especially if you're staring into a magnifying mirror.
Please do not apply raw garlic to your face it, burns. Laugh and learn from my mistake, don't make your own.
Fingers crossed this doesn't scar. Good grief!