Re: Suffering
Hey my name is Jocelyn. I am a female. I live in USA. I am a RN. I know how to clear up ur problem, but it happened to me. I was
Antibiotics to clear my skin but it caused problems in my gut. I recommend u get Bragg's Apple cider vinegar and take it morning and night 2 tablespoons follow by a glass of water. The Ultimate flora probiotic is very important bc the
Antibiotics u were on caused u a bacterial overgrowth in ur gut. So u need to take probiotics adapt. The one that worked for me was ULTIMATE FLORA PROBOTICS. Take 10 tabs morning and night for a day. Then follow days take 3 tabs morning and night. YOU CANNOT EAT ANY
So eating balanced meals: meat, veggies, beans
The reason Apple cider vinegar didn't work bc u were still eating sugar. U can only use Bragg's Apple cider vinegar it the only thing to work.
Before your shower put some Bragg's Apple cider vinegar on your armpits then take a shower. Also wear unscented deodorant.