9 y
Re: mouth lining changes
This has likely little to do with your diet. I have had this condition for over 20 years and it is absolutely annoying.
It does subside at times but not for long.
I noticed it after they came out with that tooth paste which has whiteners in it. My mouth started shedding as if it had a sun burn.
I have been to doctors....lichan planus they all say.
However when i FINALLY found this latest tooth paste I notice that it is clearing up and much less an issue.
Almost ALL toothpastes natural or not have whiteners these days. Try finding ONE without that crap.....yikes.
Himalaya Bontanique Toothpaste with Neem and pomegranate....has worked wonders.
I found it in Whole Foods and then much cheaper at a Richards in Florida.
Bought about 6 at a time to keep it on hand as I live overseas.
Good luck and STAY away from toothpaste or mouthwashes that claim to whiten.