Re: Iodine cures MRSA and pneumonia - Update
The Silver Colloids report has major flaws designed to promote their own product and disparage others.
Here it is:
People fall victim to the marketing mumbo-jumbo (including myself) designed to confuse everyone, and make their product seem superior. Never have I seen more lying, cheating and dishonesty in any other series of products. Here is a tiny sample:
1) Ionic Silver = monatomic silver or silver hydrosol or covalent silver
2) Hydrosol = mostly ionic silver AND some particle silver
3) Ionic Silver = Clear in color (if not agglomerated)
4) Particle Silver = displays colors at 5ppm or more
5) Ionic Silver or Particle Silver =
Colloidal Silver for both
6) No Such Thing as “True”
Colloidal Silver
7) Ionic Silver is recommended
The BS and marketing propaganda is just as bad when it comes to
Colloidal Silver generators.
To see the TRUTH, please read the chapter, Truths & Lies about Colloidal Silver here:
You can see the truth about generators here: