Iodine cures MRSA and pneumonia
Found this study interesting, but not sure if it is a typo or I'm reading wrong.
So, why don't they use iodine instead of all the other garbage?
We conclude that in patients with MRSA pneumonia an approach using a 7-day course of intravenous linezolid plus rifampicin, intratracheal vancomycin, nasal mupirocin, cutaneous and oropharyngeal chlorhexidin plus povidone-iodine cures pneumonia and is effective for MRSA eradication.
Povidone-iodine is a combination of two chemicals called polyvinylpyridine and iodine and is available as an antiseptic cream or as gargling solution. This can be prescribed by the physician to eradicate MRSA from skin or throat. An article published in the November 2004 edition of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia suggests that in patients with MRSA in their throat, gargling with povidone-iodine before the procedure of oral intubation, which involves insertion of a tube through the patient's respiratory or digestive tracts to prevent the collapse of airways, leads to complete eradication of MRSA.