I am in a similar situation as you; however, probably not as bad. I removed all my fillings and was convinced mercury was my main issue. The removal process went smoothly other than loosing a tooth in the process.
I've been chelating for a while now (12 rounds @ 37.5mg ALA) and have not got better, nor worse which makes me think mercury isn't the main culprit for my health issues - probably a big part of it, however.The one thing I can say though is that since ALA, my sleep is much better. Insomnia is almost gone!I still have high hopes for mercury but I am not experiencing the quick gains as some people report.
My theory is that I am on the dump phase which happens usually on the third month which is why I'm not healing.
But yeah, just like you, most treatments don't work for me. I have yet to find the magic bullet. thinking on giving Iodine along with chelation.