I just wanted to add real quick that I just ran across an update on Wikipedia concerning myiasis and the use of fruit fly's to eradicate the bot fly. Well, now the fruit flies are using the human body as hosts because of the genius that thought it was a great idea to send bugs after bugs. And then no one understands how the mutation occurred for them to adapt to do so??? Seriously??? Not to mention, there was a new outbreak in 2016 of the botfly (it could've possibly been the sand fly as well, I've read up a lot this evening since my little darlings like to crawl around at night keeping me awake!). Whichever one it was, the man that had the genius idea of using fruit flies to get rid of them, won several awards and his work was world renowned since his planned worked in 1980. Did anyone tell this man that they are insects??? They'll get back into our country at one point and they will thrive. So, sending another insect after them that will inevitably pick up some of their preys bacteria and pass it on! Now, we've got infesting fruit flies AND the bot fly both to add to the list of parasitic insects that could possibly be living in my FACE! (I believe the link to the article I'm referring too is either on the Wikipedia page for Bot flies or a link from the fruitily segment of the Myiasis page if you want to check it out.)