Hi Garkech how is it coming along
Hi Garkech how is it coming along.
Are you soaking them in around 6% or less
Epsom Salts to 94% water. It should be not too salty. You should do it 6 minutes around this time in the morning longer at night 30 minutes because build up happens at night the worst as we sleep, do you put coconut oil on after soaking while they are still wet, to moisturise and protect them from infection.
If you stick the cure out by day 14 you will notice a big change and the chances are that the peeling will stop like mine did. Are you brushing them with a small toothbrush gently? Ignore the dead peeling skin you are not doing anything wrong the diseased skin is in the 3 layers of the skin of the lips, this is the first week of the cure and the diseased skin is coming off it has to, by next week you will see it getting less and less, be patient, sometimes I got build up but not that much I eat a lot of coconut oil in my diet because I know what I am dealing with.
Its normal for the diseased skin to peel, wait until the soaking goes into week 2 or 3 and you will see how its working for you. If you've got candida, you will be healed because the yeast fungus cannot reproduce in an oxygenated saline solution.
Wish you well and to continue this battle that's what it is.