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The lips sort of developed their own lines.
Lily23 Views: 8,289
Published: 9 y
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The lips sort of developed their own lines.

The lips sort of developed their own lines, since the cure if that is what you mean by wrinkles,they are too soft to harden, split, exofoliate and no white build up. yes they were inflamed afer peeling, and would go a pale colour the day after ( the white yeast showing through under the skin now I understand). I knew I was maybe healing after I passed by previous threshold of peeling cycle in 16 days..I continued the soak they continued to remain soft and normal and I kept going on day 30 I knew that this was working I could claim that I was healed, and I could let others know. I did the constant moisturising method for almost 2 decades.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzin order to live as normally as possible.
You would like pics, I didn't know a) I was going to heal to do before and after, and I wouldn't know how to set up the camera etc, this is one condition I would prefer to keep private, and eventually forget.

Ps how did I measure the Epsom Salt to water? I put a few grains of it onto the tiniest tip of a teaspoon, put into a shot glass or egg cup holder or something small, top up the rest with warm water for a nice soak, can use cold I liked it warm.


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