The white stuff is definitely yeast thrush infection, age 13- 20 suffered badly when I didn't know how to cope with this thing, when I stopped using Vaseline and switched to olive oil/almond oil the peeling cycle went from 3 to 7 days and that made a big difference. The less white the better the condition your lips skin is in, I know you would like to see pictures my computer skills are so for at the level where I can post a message thank God. Do not be disheartened about needing photos, if you follow my protocol you should see something in 21 days. Yes I did have the white inside my lips, and on my lips after say a drink of cola. I am not in the business of selling or promoting Epsom Salts I fell upon the cure after having tried everything, if I listed them it would cover a page, wishing you well and a speedy cure.