Hi first post, I have house flies and some kind of fruit fly nesting in my scalp fly out ever so often smell terrible, I also have gurgling in my throat and stomach and extreme sometimes silent sometimes noisy and squeaky flatulence that goes on for several seconds so embarrassing. I was sure I had threadworms and took several doses of mebendazole also did one round of paragone but it seems now I may have a Tapeworm a health intuitive told me rat tapeworm. No evidence in stool samples so far but raised imunoglobin E. Hate going to doc no time to get all issues covered they think I'm crazy. I want some form of ivermectin and Tapeworm treatment can I do this all at once. I may also have helicobacter or something else causing bubbling in saliva and white scum around lips. Lungs feel really congested candida problem as well. Every where I go people clear throat and sneeze not sure if still threadworm eggs or something else. Any advice welcome at least one friend has flies in hair also, need cure if possible.