Re: Need solutions forGiardia, h.pylori
Do you have any reference to clove oil inhibiting glutathione production? I will assume this information is incorrect until you post a source.
There is one study on mice here
showing clove oil to reverse chemically induced memory deficit and slightly increase glutathione.
I could care less about pushing clove oil but I think cloves are an excellent spice as well as cinnamon. If you grind your own spices the essential oils are much stronger and there is no need to buy expensive essential oils unless for some reason you need very high doses.
Volatile oils in spices can go rancid very quickly, according to some sources within minutes, so fresh ground can have more benefits than people realize.
A note about cinnamon, vietnamese cinnamon or cassia has stronger medicinal properties than true cinnamon and it's much cheaper.
Raw cloves are extremely pungent and a tiny bit can throw some people off just because they are so strong, especially pitta types. Boiling them down can make them much easier to tolerate.