Yes I believe that Clove oil is toxic. I think it is okay for using as a mouth wash but I would not consume a lot of it. Be aware that if you do have leaky gut which you might have with pylori then it will put a lot of extra stress on your liver and might raise your liver enzyme levels. Therefore you do not really want anything that adds a further burden on your liver. With leaky gut the liver is having to work very hard.
Do not be put off by stomach discomfort like many people are. Some who use CS say that it upsets their stomach so that they stop taking it which is not the way to do it! These infections need to be wiped out because they cause many health problems and if my ideas are correct, some very serious ones.
BTW When using
Colloidal Silver get some distilled water too. Then when taking CS add some distilled water to it so that it fills your stomach. That is important! You might be infected by other bacteria besides Pylori as there are a number which do very similar things like Pylori but are not detectable by any tests. I am fighting them ATM and taking CS gives me a slightly uncomfortable feeling in the right side of my stomach where I know there is/was a very large infection. That has diminish in the last couple of days and my iris shows a substantial reduction in the marking that was there. I don't think it is entirely gone but it is much better than it was. However there are 4 others which also need to be destroyed. The ionic CS that I purchased from Amazon is utterly useless and has practically zero effect on anything which I have tried it on so far, including a mouth infection. That is going to get a very negative review from me. I might buy a CS generator as it tends to get expensive purchasing the stuff, especially when the quality is so low. A small particle size is important as it makes it more effective.
I have been using elemental CS, a reduced Ionic silver which has worked much better than the Ionic silver that I purchased. It works for many hours at a time as I notice the feeling in my stomach when it is working. I was also getting a feeling in the back of my head ie the hypothalamus. I have
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and have noticed this before on occasions when using essential oils in the past. Those never really got anywhere significant and I did not like using them due to the effect they have on my liver, which already has elevated liver enzymes shown by multiple tests.
I am hoping that better quality CS will have a greater effect and finish them all off. So far so good but it still is not enough. Working with poor quality tools from Amazon is not helping TBH.
It's believed that Pylori is present in 56% of the population and there are other bacteria which are more common than Pylori IMO. Therefore you are likely to come into contact with them again in the future.