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Re: Parasite Identification
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Re: Parasite Identification

I'm happy to share some peace of mind. I've got squishy sounds in my own stomach here at the middle of the night, but panic has never helped me, just patience and gratitude to my Creator (for of all things, the internet xD (laughy face)).

From what I've experienced, there's usually not a huge amount of responses to photos, but always people willing to advise!

There's plenty of folk active in the Facebook Turpentine cleansing closed group, though, and there has been some folk helping out actively there with identification.

Don't be scared of your body, it's a lovely tool and a pleasant thing to live in- even though there are plenty of WTF-iffy moments in life.

No, I do not think there is anything wrong with fish pedicures, playing with sea cucumbers at the ocean, or enjoying petting sea-life at the aquarium, Elle T. :-) what's life without joy? The enemy steals, kills and destroys, and the favorite thing to steal is joy by introducing fear.

And it's always fear of the unknown, isn't it?
We live in a world and environment where animals ingest animals. It was not always this way (snerksnerk, hinthint, the deep underwater city ruins just south of Japan are a great witness to that), but the modern world has it's own mythologies.)

I feel that the deworming every half-year is pretty much on the ball, or getting into the Science of fasting to let the body digest the parasites and do it's own cleanup. Reading recently of a woman passing an entire Tapeworm (without dissemination) on an extended Water Fast comforts me. The fasting connection forum (it's a website, not a part of curezone) gives a lot of reading about how things work in the thick of such an activity.

If you are working together with a TCM doctor for your Chinese herbs, please continue with them. Formulations of herbs need to change to suit the body's cycles of cleansing, which is one of the reason parasite cleanses are usually continued for only 3-4 months. Their generations last 28 days, so that's three generations. The Hulda Clark pattern is smart because it gives short breaks (7 days if I recall right) for the body to rest and the next generation to hatch.

I had to learn at least short-term fasting at an early age because of insulin pump therapy. I've rebelled here and there and tested myself to up to three days of water-fasting. Sleep improves a lot! No expert me though- just another human.
Bless, and nini for now


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