Re: brainfog all the time Candida? Dysbiosis? Leaky gut?
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the fact that you say you had it all your life to a certain extent as well as your father causes me to think of autoimmune
food allergy , getting worse made me think about it is complicated with yeast, but i dont really know. also makes me wonder about trapped metals from an early age. I could also say i had this from a very early age. short term memory probs. again, the cutler chelation crowd would swear it is metals, probably from vaccines, that our bodies are not able to clear..
have you also taken Diflucan? the nystatin kills yeast only in the gut, if the yeast is systemic then i think doctors use Diflucan, have you looked into that?
could you clarify, on the one hand, this sounds like a chronic thing and genetic as you say it has been all your life and your father has it. but it also sounds like there is newer course of brain fog occurring from yeast overgrowth or other causes?
did you have any dental work done prior to this recent onset of brain fog?