Generally, a multi-protocol is always best for candida issues. Candida also directly affects hormones, because its waste toxins have the ability to mimic human hormones. That's why people get cravings for sugar and carbs -- which is what the candida happily feeds on. It is also been my own experience that candida greatly affects the thyroid. Low thyroid = brain fog. Unbalanced methyation can also cause brain fog. Eating excess goitrogens like dairy(high calcium) or soy products also inhibits the absorption of iodine in the thyroid.
I have a multi-protocol that helped to cure my own systemic candida issues 9 years ago and it's here. My candida has never returned.
My own protocol also uses the Iodine Protocol which will act to kill a host of pathogen species including candida and will also act to cure any thyroid issues and act to greatly strengthen your immune system. Other nutrients, such as Gymnema sylvestre tea, borax(the ultimate fungal killer), gum turpentine, alkalizing etc are also used extensively on a daily basis in my own protocol.
From searching and reading hundreds of health blogs over the years, it's usually always the case that people will use an inadequate protocol that doesn't do enough to get rid of the candida and other pathogenic infections in the body causing your problems. That's why, on their own, a diet will not work, probiotics will not work, nystatin and flucanozole will not work(candida can adjust to both), kefir will not work, apple cider vinegar will not work and you should never use antibiotics if your have candida because doing this will just destroy your gut microbiota and help the candida to bloom and spread. I'm talking about a cure here, not faffing around just managing your candida symptoms which, strangely, seems to satisfy most people with candida problems. People always seem to prefer convenient, inadequate protocols rather than make an effort to follow a more difficult protocol that stands a much better chance of actually curing these awkward systemic candida problems.
The bottom line is that until you fully understand the behaviour of candida as a unique fungal pathogen, I doubt that you will ever be able to cure your own candida problems. And if you treat your systemic candida issues as if it were just a simple bacterial or viral infection then you will almost certainly fail to achieve a cure.