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Re: Erection and health quality
appleUK Views: 2,539
Published: 9 y
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Re: Erection and health quality

Thanks for the reply, weirdly I've never thought about ADD but looking at the symptoms I woukd have to agree I really struggle to keep focused on a task, at work I get distracted to easy struggle to take information in, I checked out the second suggestion but struggling to find what it actually is on Google thanks


Edit: I woukdnt call myself depressed but I woukd say the symptoms I have are causing me to feel down, I have a great girlfiend, enjoy work and do a lot of activities in my free time, it just seems to be a unexplainable cause shoukd I push for more tests like mri?, I can almost feel the high blood pressure upon waking some days and it just seems to stick around it all seems to be depended on my sleep



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