Re: mixed flukes and tapeworm infection treatment plan
Here is an easy test you can perform at home.
Get a bottle of Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa Extract, Putrescine, C5H12N2. It is a OTC med. It is natural Piperazine. Should be about $13.00.
Try 3 capsules (1300 - 1850 mg). If the wiggles stop, and then resume some 12 to 18 hours later ... think roundworm.
The PinX test for flatworm cost about $8.00 a bottle. Dose to box. If eggs, tomato skins, sesame seeds come out, think flatworm.
I would like to say testing is in this century, but it is way behind the technology. Once you get a macrozoom camera and get a picture of the worm, visual identification is still the fastest means.
If you find nothing, taking PinX every 3 weeks for a few months will clear out most non-systemic infections.
ELISA tests will still identify the identity of a systemic worm, even if you clear the GI tract.