Has anyone had success with Ivermectin for scabies?
I've tried everything else, and I'm ready to do the Ivermectin now. Ordered the horse paste, but I don't like that it says 2 doses will do it, because I took it for six weeks once, 2 days on and 2 days off, and it didn't kill them all.
I'd like to follow ICU's strongyloides protocol for serious infestations of 7 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 2 days off, etc., etc. I have enough in that case for a month, which should get them all.
There is no other way for me, because doctors are useless. I've had some success with Grizz's DE and coconut oil (working with what I have, and VCO kills
parasites all by itself, so good combo), but they are so bad now that I'm sleeping on a bare mattress with no pillow that I dust with DE and spray every day and still can't get rid of them.
I don't have a washer/dryer and can't afford to take things to the laundrymat every day, so I've been putting DE into my dirty clothes, putting them in plastic bags and putting them out into the sun during the day for three days. I figure if the DE doesn't get them, the heat will. Then I wash them, but it still isn't helping enough.
I don't have a lot of money, so this is the best I can do. Wanted to know if anyone has had success with Ivermectin.
I'm going to start the Ivermectin and take it until they are all gone, while continuing to do the other things to rid myself of them. I plan to bomb the house once a week while I go do laundry and shopping. It's a small place, so 4 bombings should get many if not all of them.