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Re: Has anyone had success with Ivermectin for scabies?
HappyRaptor Views: 6,237
Published: 9 y
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Re: Has anyone had success with Ivermectin for scabies?

FINAL UPDATE: I'm still taking ivermectin paste once a week, but the whatever-the-hell-they-are are getting worse instead of better. Without access to a way to wash my clothes and bedding daily, I fear I will never be rid of these. There is simply nothing I can do except continue to suffer until I can get the money to treat them properly.

I've tried using tea tree oil mixed 50/50 with castor oil to get to the ones on my hands. There are nests of them in my nail beds that nothing seems to be able to get to. I've put straight ivermectin paste on my hands for days at a time with no relief. I can scrub my fingernails white and once I put the tea tree oil on, they are black again with the larvae.

My head is itching again and I'm losing hair. I'm going to start trying to mix the iver/tea tree/castor oil and apply it to my scalp nightly. I'll also try soaking in borax baths with my head under water to see if that helps. Again, can't do that too much because water is very expensive here.

Money is my main problem with ending this nightmare, and since I don't see myself ever having enough to treat them properly, I'm not going to do reports anymore. It's pointless.



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