Hi All!
I had a tooth extracted back in September 2015. When The dentist realized the roots of the tooth were into the nasal cavity he just stopped. He said he wasn't sure there was a hole (but I was). He left part of the tooth when he realized it was into the nasal cavity. It has sealed some but there is still a hole. Now the tooth that was left is coming through my gum. I can feel the razor sharp edges as if I were teething. Very Small bits have even broken off. I went back twice and the last time he gave me more Antibiotics and trimmed my partial so the tooth didn't hurt as much. Now I have a hard time keeping my partial in. PLEASE someone give me advise on what to do next. I'm going back next week and I'm afraid he will want to reopen the gum and remove the remaining tooth material. That sounds logical but I'm afraid it will open the hole bigger. Thanks for any advise! Btw I couldn't find silver here in my small town.