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Re: ENDERSGAME: Great Research on Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)!
Flossy Views: 1,936
Published: 9 y
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Re: ENDERSGAME: Great Research on Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)!

I took it for five days on seven days off for three rounds.

Each round I got nausea and explosive diarrhoea.

I also got bumps coming out of nowhere within 24 - 48 hours which were itchy as hell and turned pink.

Within another 24 hours the bumps shrunk back to skin level.

Within two more days, they had disappeared, where initially I had thought they were scars from a nest.

I can no longer find them. I had one particular one for three years. It is gone and the only evidence is a tiny white track and one dot.

I have had white scars show up out of nowhere since being on DEC.

I have been back on it a month and have had no side effects at all.

I intend to take it long term. It is readily available in Australia to give to dogs for heart worm prevention and has been used for 50 years.

I think DEC is the key that has been missing as it causes the immune system to recognise and dissolve the eggs. Twice I was "cured" once with Albendaozle and once with Moxidectin. But nothing covered the dormant eggs.

I think DEC finds them and dissolves them. I am sure of it. It is also used by the WHO to diagnose and treat filariasis. it is used on a patch and covered with cling wrap to diagnose. A bump will come up in 24 - 48 hours if a parasite is present in the skin.

As my parasite goes deeper than the dermis, I am taking it orally.

I feel safe on it and I am super analytic and slightly paranoid. so thats saying something.

If in doubt google Mazotti test or Diethylcarbamazine patch test.


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