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Re: ENDERSGAME: Great Research on Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)!
endersgame Views: 4,308
Published: 14 y
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Re: ENDERSGAME: Great Research on Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)!

So glad you are doing so much and trying to get your enemies identified so you'll know the specific ammunition to use.

We may try to come next month if things don't get better. We are still having lots of eye and nose activity which drives us nuts and makes life pretty hectic somehow, constantly wiping and feeling creepy.

My microsope tells me I still have filaria all over and one of my large "worm holes" broke open again. We started our third two sweek cycle on valbenza after five days of fenbendazole and we now have the oral suspension blue stuff for our ivermectin and have both the blue stuff and horse paste in our skin creme. I can feel a bit on my scalp and still pricles all over as they break through, I guess, whereever. I see parts of worms from my skin and small whole worms from my eyes, as well as the filaria, mainly black and dark brown, occasionally red or golden.

My husband has a creeping rash that looks like heat rash and actually I find no trace of worm debris around the rash--more on the other parts of his skin and where his worm holes have been. But the rash is very painful for him as clothees chafe.

Don't know when we will have to try DEC or some other meds in addtion to ICU's protocol, but I know we will come to Montreal to try to get it identified if we can't in BC this next month. It is too worrison, especially after my episode landing me in the emergency room. could be worms messing in my neural pathways.

I can't imagine how you go on with your fight and I hope you have lots of supportive people to help. We (John and I) think of you as a member of our close allies.

Herne, take care, please get your tests in and plewase be as well as possible and kill those d*mn things.



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