Some things you might consider
I am going to suggest you do a YouTube search for
Kerri Rivera autismone 2014 and 2015 , Andreas Kalcker 2014 as a starting place .
So far 205 people have lost their autism diagnosis following this protocol It turns out that autism is a pathogen overload problem mixed in with heavy metals/environmental toxins.
Even though the focus of her work is about autism, just substitute your health situation for the word autism.
Her website is cd
She has a book and she answers her emails.
As far as your specific nose thing you might try nasal irrigation/Neti pot with salt water.
parasites don't like salt. Maybe increased level of salt to tolerance from the normal recommendation.
W weak chlorine dioxide solution of one activated drop per 1 ounce distilled water Could be another possibility.
Although by itself it usually isn't enough to kill parasites.