I was hoping someone could help me identify what kind of parasite this is...
I spent 2 weeks in a county jail and while in there I got some type of infection in my nose, it swelled up on the inside in between nostrils and I developed this small white bump on the inside of my nose. Ever since then it is red and irritated looking and at least a few times a week I pull these out.
They are anywhere from a half inch to an inch long, there texture is kinda rubbery. If I pull one side it will coil up like a worm or snake. They come out dead. I am certain they are not mucous because they wouldn't have the same shape and consistency over and over again...
The one pictured is about half inch long, thanks for the help and how would I go about killing them? I would prefer natural methods. Should I snort some type of natural anti parasite? I'm worried that if I disturb the nest without killing them they may attack my eyes or move into my brain... Scary stuff